Saturday, March 22, 2008


I have been studying natural health and healing for quite some time. About two years ago, I was at a health fair and heard about a product called activated liquid zeolites that eliminated toxins and heavy metals from the body. At that time I had been detoxing and alkalyzing through foods and water but I was still getting at least 2 or 3 migraine headaches a week. I purchased the product and it wasn't long before I noticed the headaches diminishing and finally disappearing completely. I soon became a distributor just to buy the product at cost and since, have become good friends with Cathy, who introduced me to the liquid zeolites. After the first 6 months I noticed something zeolites were brown and there were particles floating in the liquid. The company that was distributing them assured us that it was just a natural variation in the product being a natural mineral. You see, the mineral is clinoptilolite that forms in nature when volcanic lava mixes with sea water. It has a cage like structure and when converted to a liquid form, the molecules are like a cage. It goes in a clean and empty cage and comes out a dirty cage, full of heavy metals and toxins it traps in the body. It still didn't seem right to me that suddenly my zeolites looked different and tasted funny. On top of that I had some of my headaches return. I knew these drops were not the same as when I first started taking them. This started me on one of my resesarch kicks I go surfing the web and found that there was a lawsuit with Harvey Kauffman the patent holder vs the company distributing the zeolites. The allegations were patent infringement....they weren't producing the drops the way they were intended. My own conclusion was that I must be right...that would explain why the drops were no longer working and that it looked, tasted and smelled bad. Why would they change something that was perfectly good the way it was? I couldn't believe it!! I was shocked and disappointed and worried. Worried because I needed the zeolites in the same formula that was working for me....getting rid of my headaches. In a panic, I continued to search and found out that Harvey Kauffman teamed up with a company called Trilogy Essentials to distribute his original product, formulated according to the patent under rigid guidelines. I ordered the ZNatural right away. To my delight, the bottle was clear and the liquid zeolites were clear, tasteless and odorless just as they should be. I began to take the drops and once again my headaches subsided. I decided to join Trilogy since it is free with no membership fees. I never thought of it as a business opportunity but as more and more people are learning about the effects of our environment on our health I have been bombarded with calls and people asking me about this product and ordering it. Now I have a rapidly growing home based business while helping other people get rid of the toxic burden from their bodies. To find out more about this amazing product or if you would like to join the company to bring in extra income here is the link. To find out more about the toxic world we live in see this site I have also been studying EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and found it to be a fascinating way to improve health naturally. I will blog on that later but here is the link for more info

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Colors of Abundance

Pink : Attracts love into your life

Green: Attracts Prosperity and health.

Purple: Attracts spiritual enlightenment

Gold: Attracts prosperity and success in business

Silver: Attracts soulful rewarding relationships and friendships

Red: Attracts passion and romance

Blue: Attracts peace, tranquility and mental clarity.

Brown: Attracts personal property such as homes, land and cars.

Creating Abundance and Wealth From Home

Abundance is available to everyone and has many different forms including good health, financial prosperity, spiritual enlightenment and love. We all deserve a life rich with everything we desire. Our creator intended this for us.

It is scientifically proven that our thoughts are energy. It is so true that what you put out, you get back.Now is the time to focus on only what you truly want and do not give energy to those things you do not want. Your thoughts will crystallize into your reality. Align your emotions with your thoughts and feel as though you already have what you want in your life. Offer thanks for what you know in your heart is coming. Give freely and unconditionally. You can give money, time, volunteer or service, you can give love, a smile to a stranger. All that you do for the betterment of another will come back to you. Be generous in what you are giving. Making money and generating extra income will be effortless. You will see abundance flowing freely and quickly to you.

This is important to those of you who want to make money while working from home. It doesn't matter what business opportunity you have chosen, whether you are generating income from the internet or whether you have a home based business with products or services. You must keep your thoughts and feelings focused on the things that bring you joy. You are working at home because you find joy in spending more time with your family. You work from home because you enJOY flexibility with your schedule. Making extra income brings joy to you because you are able to help other people and give back to the community. Find that place that brings you joy and soon you will find success and abundance chasing you. Visit my website at for more information on creating a space in your home to help you manifest the life you desire.